Success Stories

Amnesty Int’l Rocks! (a Columbia University Success Story)
We’re big supporters of Amnesty International at IvyZen. Our students have started over 50 student chapters across the globe over the past 10 years and have collectively gathered over 10,000...
A Columbia Success Story: Creating a Unique and Compelling Theme
Creating a Unique & Compelling Theme for Ivy League Admissions Success + Columbia U Success Story If you have read our article about the Hedgehog concept for Ivy League admissions, then...
Why being Well-Balanced is a Negative Approach: A University of Pennsylvania Success Story
Theme vs. Well-Balanced Many consultants, high school teachers, counselors and parents think that because happiness in life requires a well-balanced approach, so success in college admissions does as well. Not...
How to Create a Research Leader Theme: A Stanford Success Story
I reluctantly took the meeting with David’s mom. While many consultants try to take 20-30 students a year, I focus on taking 8-9 of the very best students I can...
How to Create a Computational Biology Theme: A Stanford, Caltech Success Story
Richard was a biology super star at his school. He was the top student in the Biology Olympiad since the 9th grade at his school and recently qualified as a USABO...
A Caltech Success Story: How to Create a Number Theory Theme
I met Matthew through a referral from a previous student’s mother, and from the first time I met him, I knew that he was a math guy. In my initial...
How to Create a Political Activism Theme: A Columbia, UPenn, Brown, UChicago Success Story
Brian is a student that is hard not to love. He’s very well spoken, confident, and knowledgeable about many political issues.When he told me that he was both Model United...
A Columbia Success Story: How to Create a Creative Writing Theme for Your College Application
Charles came to us a gifted student who was doing well at school. Starting his 10th grade at an academically rigorous boarding school, Charles was a good student with a...
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