Set your own trend and create your own club

Set your own trend and create your own club If you check out the “Clubs and Activities” bulletin board at your standard American high schools, you will likely see the same offerings: math club, science club, newspaper, yearbook… more of the same. While you stand there in front of the bulletin board, bored with your…
How to create an IT theme for your college application

How to Create an IT Theme for Your College Application If you are considering a career in computers or technology, then why not tailor your application to reflect just that? College admissions officers are searching for demonstrated interest to a given topic, so give them what they want! Remember the 5 areas to cover when…
Building a business theme for your college application

Do you dream of owning your own company? Are you interested in commerce, trade, or sales? Are you a born leader? Perhaps you should consider a career in business. Business schools can be highly competitive, so if you want your application to stand out, then you should definitely consider a business theme. 1. Academics To…
How to make your club great (Part I)

Every high school has them: one or two clubs that everyone wants to be a part of. They have the most fun meetings, go on the most fun trips, seem to be a tight-knit group, and everyone wishes they could join. Creating one takes a lot of work but is well-worth the effort. The process…
How to make your club great (Part II)

How to make your club great (Part II) Last month we gave you five tips for making your club the best at your school. Here are several more pieces of advice to help you plan your club’s success. 6. Great clubs take themselves seriously. This is especially important if your club is one that enters…
Building the perfect theme for future math majors

Settle in, all you math wizards, because this is a long one. If you are interested in attending college to major in mathematics, then there are many things you can do now to prepare yourself for admissions. Like every IvyZen theme, your plan of attack will be divided into these categories: academics, leadership, academic extracurricular…
How to Make Your Extracurricular Clubs Great

Founding, leading and participating in his own clubs are one of the best extracurricular activities a student can engage in. It demonstrates leadership, initiative, social skills and a passion for a certain area. The last part is particularly important and it the reason clubs are a great way to develop a unique and compelling Theme. In…
A Caltech Success Story: How to Create a Number Theory Theme

I met Matthew through a referral from a previous student’s mother, and from the first time I met him, I knew that he was a math guy. In my initial consultation with him, I noticed how each of his answers were calculated and rational, and judging by his appearance, he definitely wasn’t the artistic type….
How to Create a Political Activism Theme: A Columbia, UPenn, Brown, UChicago Success Story

Brian is a student that is hard not to love. He’s very well spoken, confident, and knowledgeable about many political issues.When he told me that he was both Model United Nations and student council president at his school, I wasn’t surprised; he had a polish to him that was rare at his age. For those…
A Columbia Success Story: How to Create a Creative Writing Theme for Your College Application

Charles came to us a gifted student who was doing well at school. Starting his 10th grade at an academically rigorous boarding school, Charles was a good student with a 3.7 GPA (unweighted) and working towards strong SAT scores. Activity-wise he was spread out among lots of different activities. When asked which one he liked…